Learner-Centred Education

Dolphin School was founded over 50 years ago on the principle of ‘Freedom to Learn’. To a casual observer, this approach is perhaps most evident in our extensive day and residential trips programme, but it is an ethos that is also embedded through our adoption of a dialogic pedagogy and an enquiry-based curriculum. Updating our founding ethos for the 21st century, we are making a commitment to the principles of Learner-Centred Education, as outlined below. We are confident that the quality of our teaching and the intellectual curiosity of our children will ensure continuing high standards of academic achievement within a framework of autonomy and voice.

We believe that centring our curriculum on our children leads to greater investment, engagement and ownership on the part of the student. It allows us to provide appropriate support whilst also stretching and challenging the thinking of all learners. A child’s entitlement to contribute to the direction of their education is enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is not simply our choice, but our duty to respond to, nurture and facilitate our students’ passions.

The Seven Principles of Learner-Centred Education

LCE image

Taken from Schweisfurth, M.  ‘UNICEF Think Piece Series: Improving Classroom Practice’ (2019).