House Events

A varied timetable of House Events runs throughout the year at Dolphin and offers excellent opportunities for inter-year bonding and camaraderie, as well as occasions for individual students to step up as leaders and performers. Students earn House points in the form of 'Strides', which are centrally logged and totalled on a term-by-term basis; alongside the placings in both sport and academic competitions, these then determine the yearly winner of our House Cup - always a hotly contested trophy!

House Music


This year, Houses were challenged to Discover some new vocabulary by learning a song in a different language. Alongside individual instrumental and vocal performances from children up and down the school, we were treated to entries as varied as K-Pop classic, 'Gangnam Style', and the Italian folk resistance ballad, 'Bella Ciao'. 


Congratulations to Tudor on winning House Music for the first time in many years! You can see their rousing, multi-lingual, performance of 'Silent Night' below.