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- Curriculum Years 3-8
- Dance
We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.
friedrich nietzsche
In Dance children are encouraged to be active and creative, using their own ideas with a given stimulus. Dance offers children an opportunity to expand their movement possibilities and to enhance their physical skills, with an appreciation for a variation of genre, music and dance style.
Dance is integral to a child’s learning, strength and development and helps them to express a thought or feeling by physical release. It also develops their co-ordination and musicality. In addition, it promotes a healthy lifestyle, as the children are physically active in every dance lesson. Our aim is to make every dance lesson enjoyable, challenging and creative whilst passing on a passion for dance and music and giving opportunities for performance.
Dance is often celebrated though end of year shows, including local theatre productions.
Libby Putney, Dance Teacher
The pupils' physical abilities are well developed in a range of team sports and dance as well as in the extensive opportunities they have for outdoor learning.
isi report 2016