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Day Trips
We run more than 60 day trips every year, and each child can expect to go on up to 10 day trips per year.
These are generally organised through our subject-specialist departments and their aims include: consolidating and extending topics covered in class; opening children’s eyes as to how their learning relates to the real world; or developing intellectual curiosity and passion in specific subject areas. Please note that these vary from year-to-year depending on the interests, passions and talents of each cohort. The cost of all day trips are included in the fees.
We also host numerous 'in-house' special events throughout the year to diversify the children's experience of school-life, bring their learning to life and provide unique opportunities for them to enrichen their understanding.
Our Day Trips
Norden Farm (Theatre Trip)
Autumn, Spring and Summer Walks
Waltham Place
Feathers and Fur Falconry Centre
Norden Farm (Theatre Trip)
Storytelling at Windsor Castle
Oxford Natural History Museum
Blenheim Palace
Year 1
Year 2
Braywick Nature Reserve.
Year 3
Year 4
Allotment Visit
Year 5
Chiswick Pier
Swindon Railway Museum