Lunch N Learn - University Film Lecturer guests at Lunch N Learn to Talk about Gary the Fox
University Film Lecturer guests at Lunch N Learn to Talk about Gary the Fox
Yes, you read that correctly. By day Iris Luppa lectures about the History of film but by night she is regularly to be found rescuing wildlife. And so Year 7 & 8 were introduced to Gary the Fox and his miraculous story.
Earlier this year Iris received a call about a badly injured fox, lying near a road in Woodley. He had probably been hit by a car and on approaching him, Iris was convinced that he was near death. She bundled him into her car, hoping that he would survive the short journey home. And against all the odds, he did. Not every vet will treat a wild fox but luckily for Gary, Iris knew one who would. During the consultation, the vet believed that Gary was suffering from severe concussion, was deaf and only had peripheral vision. His life still hung in the balance. But Iris has a way with animals, and as you can see from the photo above, she nursed him back to health and he now lives with them in their back garden.
Thank you, Iris, for a fascinating talk about Gary and information about how we can help injured wildlife.