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- Nursery Henley By Train
On a beautiful day in the last week of the summer term the Nursery children set out from Dolphin School in the minibus to Twyford railway station. We all waited excitedly on platform 5 and watched the train pull in. The children loved the train journey gazing out at animals, the river Thames with its beautiful boats and stopping at Wargrave and Shiplake. Being in Henley was so much fun! We visited a wonderful play area and had lollys as an end of term treat. We then wandered along the riverside spotting barges, speed and cruising boats. We found a beautiful picnic shady spot surrounded by long grass. The picnic was delicious, the children then listened to stories as they let their food go down before running around chasing bubbles, kicking a ball and waving streamers. On the way back to the train we fed the ducks and geese with spare bread from our picnic. The children said they had loved their day and were tired on the return train journey. It was a great way to celebrate the end of term and our transport topic.