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- Library Blog - Spring End of Term 2022
The end of March brought with it the end of our Spring Term 2022 with such a buzz of happenings – the Drama Department and Years Seven and Eight put on an ambitious and brilliant play ‘These Fragments’, while the English Department had in-house Debating and Reporting competitions and Poetry Recitals right up, almost to the last day.
The little Library in the meantime, was preparing to be packed up to move to our beautiful new space. Books are boxed, shelves are being polished and a wonderful pile of new books need covering in readiness for the summer term – a huge thank you to all who have donated both books and exciting colourful furniture.
Our little Year Ones’ & Twos’ Book Club had fun during the term - after reading about tree-houses and designing our own, drawing ‘’Kindness’ monsters with a little help from Tom Biddulph and making clay models of the Snail and the Whale after reading the story. Our final session was a read and review of the Children’s Book Award Short-Listed Picture books. Our votes will join the National Vote – the only award scheme entirely voted by Children. Some our older pupils also managed to read and vote and did some wonderful illustrations to enhance their reviews.
Hope you all have a good Easter Break! Nothing like curling up with a good book and perhaps some little chocolate eggs…